Author Archives: cable blowing machine

Frequently Asked Questions about Fiber Optic Cable Blowing Machines

Fiber optic cable blowing jetting machine

Fiber optic cable blowing machines are essential tools for the installation of fiber optic cables. These machines use compressed air to push the cable through a conduit or microduct, making it possible to install fiber optic cables in long distances and in a variety of environments. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions […]


Power cable pulling capacity 12000kg most important feature of this machine, cable pulling force is that of the possibility of adjusting. Although tensile strength 12000kg If the precision and, for example, if we have a cable with 4000 kg if it is desired to withdraw from themachine by adjusting the tensile strength of 4000 kg is able to […]

Cable Pulling Machines 8 Tons

Power cable 8000kg towing capacity, this machine is the most important feature is the possibility of adjusting the cable pulling force. Although tensile strength 8000kg If the precision and, for example, if we have a cable with 2000 kg if it is desired to withdraw from the machine by adjusting the tensile strength of 2000 […]

Cable Pulling Machines 5 Tons

Power cable 5000kg towing capacity, this machine is the most important feature is the possibility of adjusting the cable pulling force. Although tensile strength 5000kg If the precision and, for example, if we have a cable with 750 kg if requested withdrawal from the machineby adjusting the tensile strength of 750 kg can do more than […]

Cable Pulling Machines 2 Tons

Power cable 2000kg towing capacity, this machine is the most important feature is the possibility of adjusting the cable pulling force. Although tensile strength 2000kg If the precision and, for example, if we have a cable with 250 kg if requested withdraw from the machine by adjusting the tensile strength of 250 kg can do more than that on the […]

Cable Blowing Machine Manufacturers

The cable blowing machine manufacturers is a machine designed to fit the fiber optics in the cables with the use of specific technology. These are the most used and appreciated format in the 21st century. The machines are used to insert this fiber optics in the telecommunication ducts that are like the most used and […]

Cable Blowing Machines

There are recommended procedures in order for installing and testing cabling networks that utilize optical fiber cables which is cable blowing machines and involved components to carry signals for communications, and other telecommunication purposes. It is essential to define a procedure that must provide a high level of quality for fiber optic cable installations. Well, fiber […]

Fiber Blowing Machines

There are recommended procedures in order for installing fiber blowing machines and testing cabling networks that utilize optical fiber cables and involved components to carry signals for communications, and other telecommunication purposes. It is essential to define a procedure that must provide a high level of quality for fiber optic cable installations. Well, fiber optic cabling […]

Fiber optic indoor installation

Fiber optic indoor installation For the fiber installation process will be indoor or outdoor jobs. Ffth process can make easly with the fiber blowing machines. Most common solution provide ffth and fftx project for the user. Detailed informaitons in our e- catalogues. You can contact via contact for directly to us. Fiber optic cable blowing […]


• Forward – Backward direction valve. • Quick and easy change belt system. • Mechanical yardage meter that is resistant to rough weather conditions. • Different belt sizes for cables of different diameters. • Bi-directional (Forward-Backward) directed propulsion. • Air compressor coupling. • Fiber optic cable pads for different diameters (from 2.5mm to 16mm) • […]